[FREE] Masterclass with Public Speaking and Story coach, Bronwyn Ritchie …

Learn the steps to becoming

a great speaker.

(even if you’re scared or blocked

or just need a new direction, some new skills)

In this free Masterclass you will learn the proven path to preparing and presenting with confidence and skill, building your brand, and creating impact.

Bronwyn Ritchie public speaking and story coach

In this new masterclass you will learn:

  • The 6 P’s of Preparing and Presenting a confident, successful speech, that you already have at your fingertips (and maybe didn’t know just how powerful they were)
  • The simple way to put your talk together so that the material is clear and succinct and its flow feels natural.  Your audience can follow along easily.  (even if you have “failed” at structuring a speech before, or suffer from TMI – too much information!)
  • How to build your brand and credibility with subtlety, without having to list degrees, or million-dollar results.
  • Processes and paths to find a new comfort zone for your speaking, without the necessity for fighting nerves and faking strange techniques (Let’s just be real!)
  • How to deliver a talk so that you build audience attention and trust from the beginning – without being sly or manipulative
  • You’ll leave knowing that you have a clear path to confident, impactful speaking that leaves audiences applauding and you standing out as a trusted, credible choice.


The masterclass will be uploaded on a date in July.  You will learn how to become a confident, skilled speaker – owning your space, communicating with ease and fluency and building your brand.

You can register here – only those who have registered, will be notified when the masterclass goes live.

Isn’t it time you took advantage of the opportunities to speak, and now the opportunity to learn how?

“Bronwyn’s down-to-earth personality helped me to open up and allow myself to get vulnerable when it came to receiving feedback on my presentation. Not something I’m usually comfortable with! She calmed my nerves immediately, so I didn’t have to worry about what I got ‘wrong’. Our session was much more about where I could improve and how to enhance what I do to get maximum impact. She saw into what I was trying to achieve, but added several layers of polish! Thank you so much!”

Kris Emery Editor

With Bronwyn’s help, I was finally able to unite speaking from my heart with the technicalities.  So now I have confidence, when speaking or presenting, being what I am, being relaxed and accepting about not being perfect.

I am more confident to use my natural faculties to my advantage when speaking or presenting. To relax, to not stress over using the perfect gesture or find the perfect words, enables me to think more clearly and express myself better.

Karen Davison, I.T. Support

Unique, simplistic and powerful . Bronwyn not only has a wealth of expertise but she teaches in a way that models her work. Thank you for the gift.

Fiona James. Personal Coach and Magician

Thoroughly recommend Bronwyn’s Public Speaking courses and meetups. She’s helped me gain confidence in not just public speaking, but also in one-on-one conversations with clients and prospective clients. Bronwyn provides a structured experience in a safe environment. She’s helped me be myself, confidently

Valerie O’Neill, Bookkeeper

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