Learn What It’s Like To Be Real, Naturally with One Of The Six powerful P’s Of Speaking

The six P’s that we bring to a presentation.

They are there every time we speak.

They will influence all that you do when you speak.

And yet many people ignore them, thinking them irrelevant.

They form a crucial part of any support I give to speakers and storytellers.

The one I want to look at today is Personality.


The Personality that you project will be basic to the brand that you communicate.

The personality that you bring will determine and display your attitude to your audience.

The personality that you bring will determine the language you use.

Your personality will determine how you present your ideas, your offer, and how you “sell” them.

Stephen Pressfield wrote

The artist’s journey is the passage by which we re-invent ourselves as ourselves. We discover the self that was slumbering inside us or in chains, waiting to be awakened and emancipated. In re-inventing ourselves as ourselves, we find ourselves for the first time.

Power comes from authenticity.

The more ourselves we are, the more charisma we will project and the greater will be the impact of our words and our actions.

I use various personality profiling systems with my students and clients but return often to archetypes because they are related to some of the powerful storytelling techniques I use, but only as a discussion source to help them be aware of the personality they bring.

When people deliberately define for themselves what that “personality” is, find that self; it gives them a new clarity and strength to their speaking, their advocacy, their presence – a bravery and an inclination to inspire.

It’s a very special part of vulnerability and charisma – of being naturally “real.”

Learn more about the six P’s in my free masterclass which goes live late in July, you can REGISTER HERE.  Only those who register will receive the link to the details, so it’s best if you register now.

Learn how to become a great speaker, speaking with impact, growing your brand.

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