The use of PowerPoint as a presentation tool is well acknowledged and accepted. However, Fripp and Prost believe it is frequently used as a crutch that often distracts your audience from the main messages of your presentation. If you are using PowerPoint, why not learn the “inside secrets” of doing it the right way?

This 13-page eBook reveals those secrets by addressing different creation and presentation methods, as well as potential pitfalls that you should be aware next time you’re using PowerPoint. It offers Fripp’s PowerPoint Philosophy that allows you to best serve your message, as well as Prost’s 21 Mistakes to Avoid when using PowerPoint. You’ll receive practical advice and valuable guidance that is sure to provide a welcome improvement to your next presentation.

PDF Download


Ever wonder what makes us buy from a certain salesperson or prefer one TV news announcer over another? In each case, a human voice is subtly captivating our ear and commanding our attention.

Like a Dress for Success for the speaking voice, this unique self-help book shows how to use “voice strategy” to succeed.

“Ever wonder what makes us buy from a certain salesperson or prefer one TV news announcer over another? In each case, a human voice is subtly captivating our ear and commanding our attention.

Now celebrity voice coach Renee Grant-Williams reveals the trade secrets behind those persuasive voices and shows readers how to apply positive vocal techniques to business and personal situations. Much more than a guide to proper breathing or voice projection, this is a life-altering “”owner’s manual”” to unleashing and directing the powers of communication within one’s speaking voice. By exploring the rich connections between singing and speaking, Grant-Williams helps readers:


* Evaluate their “”VoicePower”” quotients

* Literally breathe new life into their voices

* Tap the amazing power of consonants–and silence

* Deliver sales pitches virtually guaranteed to sell

* Turn a voice mail message (incoming or outgoing) into a personal calling card

* Become more confident, persuasive presenters and public speakers.”


About the Author

Renee Grant-Williams (Nashville, TN) is a well-known voice coach whose clients include U.S. senators, attorneys, salespeople, and vocalists such as Faith Hill and Randy Travis.


The book is available from


Book Depository


I have been reading this book:  Relational Presentation by Robert A. Lane and Chantal Bosse

What a bad move that was!

Because this is a book to do, not a book to read.

If you want to move beyond bullet points, then this is where you can start.  This is the “how-to”.  The tone of the book is constantly  encouraging and it will give you the practical details at the level you need, whether you are a beginner, or already a user.  I enjoyed the detail on creating effects –  the information is there for you to use powerpoint to create stunning rich media effects.

Make Any Presentation or Speech as Persuasive as a One-on-One Conversation

Jeanette and Roy Henderson
Whether addressing a few colleagues or a packed auditorium, readers will find practical and simple techniques for inspiring every listener. It’s a wonderful blend of solid concepts, practical applications, and invaluable techniques. It takes the speaker from the planning stage through to the execution stage of any presentation. It addresses not only speaking in front of a crowd, but also one on one and small group interactions.
plus how to get the book for free
or pay $15 and get three bonuses

by Sue Gaulke
There’s nothing worse than sitting in the audience while an inept speaker stumbles through an ill-conceived business presentation– unless, of course, you’re the one floundering in the spotlight. In 101 Ways to Captivate a Business Audience, Sue Gaulke, founder of the Speaker’s Training Camp, strips the mysteries from the process by showing how to prepare and present an effective address that will successfully involve your audience and deliver your message. (more …)

Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases to Use to Communicate Your Strategy and Vision When the Stakes Are High ( Perfect Phrases)


by Alan M Perlman



 There is a wide variety of phrases, many of them already familiar.  So if you need somewhere to start, this is a good place.  If you are new to speaking, lack confidence, or are a non-native speaker of English, the material will be a great basis for your presentation.  It presents exact phrases, even entire speeches, for a variety of situations (including formal events).  The are also useful for any international businessperson who is new to making presentations to Americans and is not 100% confident speaking in English.

So use the book as a starting point for your speech and use the examples I you are having difficulty finding words. Then make the speech you own by adding your own enthusiasms and unique ideas.

more …


by Cathleen Fillmore

This book is not for beginners. It’s not filled with tips on how to be an effective speaker. It has nothing to do with how to project your voice, how to organize a speech, or how to overcome shyness. This book is for the public speaker ready to take it to the next level, the speaker who is ready to go out and speak professionally to organizations and make large sums of money, starting at $2,500. If you’re that person, read this book. If you’re shy, read another book first. If you’re still learning to be a public speaker, but you’re passionate about it, read this book so you can take your career to the next level. This is the book every public speaker should use as a roadmap toward career success.

Read more … plus how to get the book for free or as part of a bargain package – pay only one-third of its true price

The New Talkpower: The Mind Body Way to Speak Without Fear
(Capital Ideas for Business & Personal Development)

by Natalie H. Rogers

” . . .the ultimate workbook . . .perfect for public speaking novices or for speakers with a tough case of stage fright.” — Continental Magazine, November 28, 2000
“Natalie Rogers. . . she shows you. . . how to write, how to talk, how to be. . . so you can perform like a pro. It’s magic. . .” — Henry J. Fishman, M.D., creator and host of “TVMD,” PBS national network


The Princeton
  Language Institute ,

Lenny Laskowski

” This book has the tools you need to become a relaxed, effective and commanding public speaker.”

Read more or go direct to its entry at Amazon


At the price this is a real bargain–despite its age. This book tells you in great detail how to make money by public speaking, and makes some great points. The strategy on how to get started is only one of many possible approaches.  There is also a section on how to get engagements even if you are an unknown. Dr Anthony is very honest about the work that may be involved, but the value of the books is the fine detail.




 If you are sure that you want to do public speaking for a living, this book would be a good place to start.  Because it is now out of date, you will need to update the information, for example add in some internet marketing techniques to the suggested “make a booklet, a newsletter and related literature.”    


In the Line of Fire: How to Handle Tough Questions…When It Counts
by Jerry Weissman

From the reviews

Whether you’re a classroom teacher or the President, this book will help you be an effective communicator. This book is so insightful, reading it feels like cheating.

When asked a crucial question in a public forum, a novice may panic and freeze. Jerry Weissman shows how it’s not necessarily what the answer is. It’s how you answer that will allow you to prevail and win!””

Weissman shows how the speaker can control the question, the answer, the questioner, the audience, the time, and himself/herself — and create and maintain a positive image in the process. Discover how to avoid the defensive, evasive, or contentious answers that have destroyed political careers and ruin credibility. Learn to control your entire exchange with a hostile questioner: the question, answer, interactions with questioner and audience, timing, and above all, yourself

Weissman provides techniques that will help someone defuse hostile inquiries without being defensive, evasive, or contentious. When you get right down to it, most of these strategies seem obvious and logical. Rely on absolute truth. Honor the audience. Listen effectively. Paraphrase and restate the Roman Column (the key issue) of the question. Identify and develop position statements for each red flag issue. Achieve Topspin. Prepare and practice, practice and prepare.

What makes this book additionally entertaining as well as educational is the use of real-life case studies from the realms of television, sports, and most of all, politics – from Presidential debates to stock analyst meetings.  They show what to say and do, and what NOT to say and do. Here we see the best and the worst of the figures we’re all too familiar with.

 It is relevant to anyone in a position of authority who must deal with the public or with employees or colleagues. It offers good advice for everybody, even those not running for the presidency of a country, a company, or a community group. The examples are clear, easy to understand, and empowering.

Whether an executive, politician, fundraiser, interviewee, teacher, student — or even a family member at Thanksgiving dinner — you’re judged on how you handle these moments. Get this book: handle them brilliantly.

“”In an era where businesspeople and politicians unfortunately have proven their inability to be honest with bad news, I believe this book should be prescribed reading in every business school, and for every management training session. In fact, I hope it is read by a far wider audience than that. It’s just what our society needs right now.””

Great truths made simple and compelling for any leader to use.””

This book provides the fundamental foundation on how to prepare, be agile, and take charge no matter how difficult the question.””

“”Jerry’s technique is both masterful and universal because it finds common ground between audience and speaker, hard questions and direct answers, all with a very simple principle: truth

Available from Amazon

In the spotlight

Author:  Janet E. Esposito

From the Reviews:

Why is she so effective? First, she’s been there. You can totally relate to her as she describes her experiences. Second, Janet resolved to overcome her problem and tried many different approaches to do so. Her book focuses on the most effective methods that attack the problem from several directions. It is practical and helpful, with shortcuts to use, and modeling yourself on people who have overcome a similar problem not only makes the process faster, but also gives the comfort of knowing that you’re not alone– “If you suffer from performance anxiety, do yourself a big favor and read this book.”