Adrenalin turned inside out

Up level your mindset and

create a new comfort zone

for your public speaking success


It’s not confidence you need, not that psyched up, adrenalin-fuelled, fake energy that feels awful, drives too much nervousness and just ramps up fear.

It’s competence – knowing that you have the formulae for design and delivery. Knowing that you have ways to build trust and credibility, knowing that you feel grounded in the muscle memory of success.

And it starts with creating a better way of looking at the adrenalin than hating, avoiding, wishing away the discomfort.

Instead of looking at the adrenalin (“nerves” – dry mouth, shaking knees, fear, loss of hope in oneself,) as a “bad” thing, a thing to be avoided, a severe threat to our personal comfort and confidence;

let’s look at it differently.

Because it’s coming from our Security Guard and their front-line emergency team.  We sometimes call that guard an inner critic – critic is too harsh a term, I think.  It’s a security guard, minding our safety, keeping us within the zone where we have always been safe, always familiar.

“Security Guard, and adrenalin Emergency team – thank you.  Thanks for trying to keep me safe. But I’m not here to be judged or even to get validation.  Those things are not important.  Neither is the idea that I’m not good enough or that I need to compare myself with anyone else.  Not now.  We dealt with those when I prepared for this.

And thank you Emergency team.  The adrenalin will be great energy, but it’s not fear, it’s fuel.

I’m here to offer these people a gift that will help them lift their lives, to rise to the next level of potential, live better, create success,

a system, a way of thinking, of doing.

I’m also making a gift of of my vulnerability – not my superiority, not my know-it-all credibility – my vulnerability.  There’s no judgement, remember.  No danger.  Besides, I get to choose that vulnerability and keep that choice under control.  It’s part of the planning and muscle memory that we built in becoming a speaker.

Not to dominate or impress, and hide behind a suit of armour created by adrenalin and fear.  But to give – a very different energy but just as good, just as motivating.”

You build trust in your audience (and coincidentally trust in yourself – including from the Security Guard) when they realise you have their best interests at heart, and that you have nothing to hide..

The neurobiology of generosity is a powerful dose of oxytocin – the connecting, bonding hormone.  Audiences want to feel that connection and are looking for it right from the start.  Generosity also reduces cortisol (released by stress) plus endorphins and dopamine – in your audience and in yourself.  You can have a powerful inner calm and confidence.  You have built trust that will have them open to the value of your gift.

So be good to yourself and your audience and feel the release of nervousness and anxiety – the new comfort zone.

Gain the power – not power over an audience, but power with – them.  It feels good – it lifts you up – as it also lifts them.

Are you looking for a better way to untether your voice and speak when the opportunity arises – in meetings, to grow your career or your business, become the go-to person?

I have a masterclass coming up later in July.  It’s free and you will learn how to become a confident, skilled speaker – owning your space, communicating with ease and fluency and building your brand.

You can REGISTER HERE.  Only those who have registered will be notified when the masterclass goes live so it’s best to do it now.

Isn’t it time you took advantage of the opportunities to speak, and now the opportunity to learn how?

Discover more from Bronwyn Ritchie - Pivotal Public Speaking

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