C reating
Fresh Content from Your Audiences’ Knowledge, Stories, and
with Tim Sanders
you’ve stood before an audience ready to begin your speech,
you’ve probably had the thought (and maybe even spoken aloud),
“There’s more collected knowledge and wisdom sitting in front of
me than there is standing in front of you.”
know you’ve been invited to speak because you have something
valuable to share, but there’s an enormous amount of
information, examples, stories, and insights in the audience.
What if there were a way you could collect those, to use in your
book, blog, or next speech?
can ... you just have to know the best ways to get your audience
to share them with you.
Sanders has developed a formula for doing this. Start the year
by learning how to get your audiences to provide you with a
wealth of new content. |
Do you want to learn advanced
presentation skills?
Can you benefit from learning the latest
presentation tips?
Do you dream of becoming a professional
public speaker or professional motivational speaker?
Can you benefit from listening to presentation coaching?
Award-winning speaker and in-demand speech
coach Patricia
is in fine form in this 90 minute action-packed session
before 150 professional speakers. You will hear her best
advice after 25 years of studying how to have impact on the
platform. You benefit from listening in on the mini-coaching
How to Capitalize on Your Uniqueness to Ensure
Repeat Business
Your platform effectiveness is powerfully
enhanced by your clarity of unique message. Are you holding
audiences in the palm of your hand? Are you experiencing repeat
and referral business time after time?
One of the most practical ways to tap into your authentic
message is to begin to dig out of your memory bank the most
significant events, most significant people and most
life-changing insights that have impacted you.
Life-changing, transformational speakers are those who are
captivatingly authentic. Our challenge is to become courageously
transparent, to share our own unique truth, with a thoroughly
humble heart.
Public Speaking Success System
by Public
Speaking Secrets
Speaking Without Fear or Nervousness (Audio
by Helen Sutton
Audio cassette tells how to conquer anxieties and uncover
self-defeating thoughts by replacing them with positive expectations.
Get Your Audiences Involved and Get More
Karen Lawson, Ph.D., CSP
will share her practical, how-to approach to using
interactive methods to increase audience impact and
ensure speaker success whether an individual is
delivering a keynote speech, making a sales
presentation, or conducting a seminar or training
You will learn to:
- Identify trends,
influences, and considerations that shape demand for
interactive speaking
- Use specific
interactive techniques to increase audience
- Adapt interactive
techniques to “dry” topics
- Adapt existing
material to a more interactive style
- Identify sources
for interactive techniques
Register (the
date of the seminar is Tuesday, June 9) or
order the CD or MP3 recording.
Note: people who register for the
teleseminar will get the MP3 recording of the session
for free.
The Seven
Principles of Public Speaking
(Audio CD)
by Richard Zeoli
This engaging audio program is like having your very own
public speaking coach to guide you, motivate you, and
inspire you to unleash your potential, and achieve results!
This exceptional audio program will teach you the skills to
present your product, your service, and yourself with
confidence before a crowd of any size - whether five people
in a company boardroom or 5,000 people in a crowded arena. |