Pivotal Public Speaking -

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Issue Number 188





Welcome to this edition of the Pivotal Public Speaking ezine. 


Your Story Matters


“Do not lose hope. …Trust dreams. Trust your heart, and trust your story”  

from ‘Instructions’ by Neil Gaiman 

Do not lose hope ... trust your dreams.  Trust your heart, and trust your story - From "Instructions" by Neil Gaiman


Quick public speaking tip


Your speech flows along.

It makes sense.

Your audience is listening, watching, presumably absorbed.

Keep them that way. A speech that flows along like that will get boring before long unless you introduce something that brings your audience's comfort up short.

Switch audience attention to the words you choose


Today's quick tip is one little device that will interrupt the normal communication process and rather than following the flow of ideas, the listener focuses on the words instead. Using this effect, you can have your audience stop, and really listen – to all that you want them to understand, engage with and remember.

This effect is to do with the sounds within words.

One way to create this effect with sounds is to use alliteration. Alliteration is one of the most powerful ways. Here, each word begins with the same sound. So I might have a “particularly powerful proposition” or an idea may be “Revolutionary and radical.” Can you feel the device working, drawing your attention to the words and all that they mean?

Another technique using sound is rhyme. Like all devices, it can evoke emotion which is one of the best ways to resonate and engage with your audience. It can also be used very effectively to create humour… Ogden Nash wrote: “Candy is dandy. But liquor is quicker.” How much meaning there is in those few words … and he draws attention to them using rhyme.

These are also the words that will create what I call a "bright spot" in a speech - a place you can call back to. Use it to identify a point in your speech, or a moment in the presentation as a whole.

So start getting into the habit of incorporating alliteration and rhyme into your speeches – at times when you want to slow things down and make a major point. They will be a powerful ally for you.

Closing Thought

"Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true." 

Leo Jozef Suenens


"Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true."



My very best wishes for the coming week, 




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